Ces images ont été scannées de StarTrek :
The Magazine Volume II
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Captured by Romulans, with a Nebula
class starship closing fast,
we get a chance to see the 'Multi Vector Assault Mode' (heheh!)
seperation sequence.
The ship splits into three independant ships, each with it's own
warp nacelles
(you can see a tiny nacelle fold up out of the main bridge module).
I won't speculate further on the individual ship's capabilites.
This type of modular design reminds me of something from ZZ Gundam,
or some other '80's anime (I believe it was designed by Rick Sternbach,
a known anime enthusiast).
Visiteur #
Star Trek and stuff is copyright 1998,
Paramount Pictures.
mise à jour 2K.11.30 par BigBird